Sagehen Stories is a Pomona College student blog, managed by the Office of Admissions, which opens a window into student life at Pomona College.
All Pomona College students are welcome to apply to become Sagehen Stories bloggers. We’re looking to showcase current students who will present authentic and diverse images of what daily life is like for students at Pomona College, from classes and research, to lectures and events, to artistic, athletic and community experiences–or just hanging out with friends.
To apply for a position, please email Nathalie Jimenez some basic information about yourself: name, class year, major, writing experience, and academic and extracurricular interests. We accept applications on a rolling basis.
Commenting Policy
Pomona College encourages free and civil discourse concerning articles and posts that we publish. However, we ask those who comment to follow a few reasonable guidelines to keep the discussions respectful.
Please review the Pomona College commenting policy for more information.